Who are we?

The OMDES is an entity created in 2013, responsible for providing such comprehensive information, detailed, and objective as possible on the flow of students, the rate of integration and job creation. of graduates of higher education, the dynamics of the professions, etc.

In order to enlighten political and social reflection for better decision making. It serves also as a platform for exchange and collaboration between academic institutions and economic actors in order to to strengthen the training-employment match.

Our missions

Follow-up of graduates

Who are they?
What happens to them?

Inventory of trades

What are the promising professions? What are the needs of the market?

Training evaluation

What are the relevant streams? What are the skills offered?

Promotion of entrepreneurship

What are the alternatives in the face of difficulties in integrating graduates?

Our graduates

0 Graduates
0 Pupils monitored
0 Working Graduates